
What is the Kasbah Oudaya Rabat's history?

Q. What is the Kasbah Oudaya Rabat’s history?

What is the Kasbah Oudaya Rabat's history?
What is the Kasbah Oudaya Rabat’s history?

Q: Are you looking for the information and, what is the history of Kasbah Oudaya in Rabat? A: The Bab Oudaia in Rabat, is the most spectacular Moorish gate of the medieval world.

Hassan Tower.
Hassan Tower Rabat Morocco.

Various Andalusian immigrants. Arab tribes. As well as some of Morocco’s richest sultans. Have all lived in the Kasbah, through the massive Almohad entrance. Known as BAB OUDAIA. The OUDAYA KASBAH entered in the most dramatic way.

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The Kasbah was more ceremonial than defensive. When it was built in 1195 in its position facing the city’s center and close to the ancient palace.

There is a residential area near Kasbah. most of the whitewashed homes along its small lanes. Which were constructed by Muslim refugees from Spain. It has distinctive blue and white walls, locals frequently gather and unwind at the lovely Andalusian Gardens. Which are located in the southern edges of the local area.

Rabat old Medina Morocco.
Rabat old Medina Morocco.

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